A sigh of relief ... at least for the moment. Adam was whisked off to the doctor by Scott leaving me with the least sick of the two. With the pinkeye kid around I have this heightened anxiety. I'm washing my hands every five seconds and everyone else's. Nothing is too clean and everything Adam touches is washed or separated so no one else gets contaminated. Add the whole hobbling aspect and this becomes real comedy. I'm limping to and fro with hand sanitizer and a basket of contaminated items.
I'm going to get pinkeye aren't I? I just know it. And I'm pissed because I really want to go to the
Northwest Flower and Garden Show down in Seattle this weekend. My MIL is going and bought tickets so I could go to. She's also my chauffeur. Darn it. This time of year has become a major downer for me people. If I weren't busy loving my new teapot I would be in a really poor mood. Of course it could be worse. Scott could have gone into work and I would have had to take Adam to the germ infested clinic with Ryan in tow and hobble all over the place for that. Plus it just started raining, so I'm not really missing any beautiful weather by being caught indoors. Oh and I bought the soundtrack for Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly version) from itunes and it is very mellowing. I'm going to go have some tea and chill out. Maybe even kidnap a few of the kid's Jelly Belly Jelly Beans to boost my happiness meter.