Jan 23, 2007 17:59

So I haven't been around in a couple days. Scott was sick and working from home again. Of  course you would think that with the wireless network he got for Christmas he would be just fine working in bed right? WRONG. He thought it was great that he could surf the internet on one computer and work on the his laptop.

Then this weekend my SIL came to town. Quite frankly everything has gone insane. I like her. I really like her. But her husband ... not so much. He's a slob with no respect for other people's belongings. Not to mention my FIL turns into a real asshole when they're around. This is mostly because he continuously is telling them to clean up after themselves but he gets so frustrated that he loses all tact and just ends up being mean. Which in turn makes his daughter belligerent, and my MIL all anxious. I'm constantly telling him to take a chill pill but with me he just laughs. He knows I won't stand for any of that crap with me or the kids. So I've been over there putting out fires and keeping my MIL calm. Which means I have no frickin life because I haven't been home.

Today my MIL watched Ryan so I could work at the school for a half hour. Well it turned into this big ordeal because something bad happened with her car while I was at the school. Luckily she was just trying to start it and it wouldn't go on. After my FIL took a look at it they decided to have the dealership pick it up. Apparently it would start but wasn't firing on all cylinders (whatever that means). So I take my FIL to Enterprise ( the dealership got them a loaner car) and guess what .... we're at the wrong Enterprise. I take him to the right one and after getting him settled I realize I'm late to pick up Adam. I get to the school and the parking lot is so packed that I can't even get in the driveway. The bell has rung and I have no idea where Adam is. Turns out he was heading home with one of the neighbors. I like these people. Really. I do. I understand that they were just trying to do me a favor because I'm never late to get my son, so there had to have been an emergency .But I told them under no circumstances are they EVER to take my child off school property. Then I laid into Adam. I explained that it was my fault and I apologized for being late but he is never to go with anyone unless I tell him ahead of time. Otherwise he needs to stay at the school.

I go back to my in-law's to pick up Ryan and I tripped in the doorway and fell on my face. Then on the way home I promptly pressed on the wrong pedal and sped through and intersection when I should have been slowing down for the stop sign. Luckily for me there was no one there.There could have been an accident and someone could have seriously gotten hurt. Maybe I shouldn't be driving. Seriously, who the hell mixes up the pedals? I think that was a sign I need to just stay in bed for the rest of the night. Apparently, today is just not my day.

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