Nov 04, 2029 23:22
Andy has two abilities: bullshitting and skeevedar. Bullshitting is that if he lies to your character, they'll be more open to believing him (in addition to believing true stories he tells that seem a little out there). Skeevedar is the ability to locate like-minded people. The problem with the latter is he can't tell what your character does/has done, so he might get close to them thinking they deal weed when they're actually a forger of documents (but he could probably use someone like that, eventually...).
Also, he will not be aware of his first ability. It will work out naturally, since he'd bullshit like that no matter what. The second one is also sort of a natural ability that he has, but he'll become aware that he has become more ~intune~ with finding that sort of person.
Anyway, if Andy's come into contact with your character more than once, is getting close to them, etc. I would appreciate you filling out the following permission form (if the above applies to them)! Please fill out a separate comment for each character.
CHARACTER NAME: Full name or the alias they're most commonly known by.
CHARACTER LJ: Linked, please.
BULLSHITTING?: Y/N? Sometimes? To what extent?
SKEEVEDAR?: Y/N? Sometimes?
EXPLAIN THE SKEEVE: ...if yes. Remember that he can't find out based on his ability, but he might do some serious digging. Well, probably not. Effort. :(
BEST WAY TO GET INTO CONTACT WITH YOU?: If I want to ping you about doing something regarding these abilities!
OTHER: Whatever.