It has come to my attention that The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford is a masterpiece. Full stop.
First off - Cinematography; Beautiful. Sountrack; Perfect. Directing; Awesome. Acting; Incredible.
Which leads me nicely into point two: Brad Pitt is splendid as Jesse James, but I would gladly slap any person who didn't admit that Casey Affleck steals the entire fucking film. Now, I had seen Casey Affleck in passing (I think I flicked past Lonesome Jim whilst mooching through the movie channels one time), but I didn't know he held this much talent. He is, in my opinion, a far greater actor than his brother Ben. And my God, it's been a long time since I've seen a guy quite as astoundingly handsome as he is. I mean - Wow. Have you seen that smile? Killer!
That is all for today. My little heart can't take no more of his beautiful face. I do, however, leave you with this [insert sufficient adjective here] piece of music, that is part of the soundtrack.
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