grandfathered in!

Mar 22, 2008 08:27

Oh, and since I was baffled by everyone's "boycott LJ" posts, I googled it and discovered (as I suppose many of you know?) that LJ will henceforth not provide free (basic) accounts. However, for those lucky ones among us who created our account before March 12, 2008, they will not take away the free account.
One thing I feel ill-prepared for is what I will call the "Datapocalypse." I predict that sometime in the next 20 years we will see a massive, catastrophic data loss of a public system like LJ or Google. This could come in many forms:

1) Systemic viral attack
2) Physical server loss from an actual physical catastrophe
3) Intentional attack from a terrorist or disgruntled employee
4) Alignment change--i.e., Google decides to become "evil" and say "by the way, we're holding all your data hostage until you pay us $$"

I think (1) is the most probably. I realize that all of these are so improbable as to maybe even be inconceivable currently, but if they were predicatble, we wouldn't be so trusting, and it wouldn't hit us so hard, hence, it would not be a Datapocalypse.

I should really back some shit up.
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