thought indeed

Sep 07, 2008 08:44

Originally published at Jason's Fresh Produce. You can comment here or there.

Given the wisdom of Orwells “1984,” I think we need some new words. Currently, the only word we have for “wanting food” is “hungry.” But how often are any of us really hungry? How often do we need food for sustenance as opposed to the myriad of other reasons for which we eat? We need to identify words for the following:

*I desire taste sensation

*I desire the comfort of familiar food

*I desire the energy boost from consuming sugar and caffeine

I think it would aid dieters to be able to properly label their desires.

Further, I think it would be appropriate for these words to end in “gry,” so we could show the entymolgical connection to hunger, and add more words to the english language that end in gry.

My suggestion for the first is “tungry.” (urban dictionary claims this already means “tired+hungry,” but I like mine better.)
Your suggestions?

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