Dec 01, 2008 23:22
it's been a long time lil' live journal. I've made 5 sales so far with my little online shop. Even though that may not sound like much, I'm very happy about it. I've been so busy the past month and sadly it hasnt been on my crafties. i had been helping out at my ol' branch since they lost a few people. I just thought i'd help out the ol' gang. It was fun seeing them again, but the weird thing was is that as soon as i started seeing those same customers again and again, it all came rushing back of how much i was just sick of it. I may not be that excited about working at another branch now but i sure am glad i did it. I would've quit altogether and that wouldn't have been good. so yeah, now that i'm done helping them out, i had my mommy and my sister staying with me for thanksgiving. I dropped my mommy off at the airport today and now tomorrow will be my first day off by myself in over a month. i should get right back to my crafties. oh oh...and wednesday i'll be getting more work on my leg!!!! yay!!!! it hasnt been touched since april or something like that. with kyle gone this summer and having no car, and then getting settled back down, i havent had a chance to go back. plus the artist has at least a two month waiting list. poop. i better get it finished soon if we move back to texas when kyle graduates. yep. well, i think i've filled in the important gaps. oh lucy had her baby too. that's pretty big news. and....yeah. i think thats it.