[JP] Clandestine

Mar 27, 2009 08:54

[sorella_italia used by request from her mun. This is also may have slight meta touches and not set in a verse where Eva knows the Winchesters. Not binding on any other muses.]

They were clearly not supposed to meet, ever.

Like, not even in a parallel universe. Their meeting was destined to be a herald of the Apocalypse or something equally bad, and clearly needed hot men in leather to come and stop them. They were dangerous, dangerous people, and they needed to be stopped, once and for all. Acceptable dissuasions were large amounts of cash, or maybe just saying please, or simply putting Eva on a plane and sending her back where she came from. Rock salt and fancy knives really weren’t all that necessary, but if the boys were pretty, who was she really to complain?

She was finding that she wouldn’t really be all that opposed to men in leather coming to stop them. Seriously, have you seen the asses on Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki lately? She was subconsciously making a note to herself to introduce Eva to the gorgeousness that was the Winchester brothers on her next visit to Phoenix.

God, she needed to get laid.


From the moment Eva got off the plane, things were just not going the way they should be going. Everything they touched seemed to lead to a disaster, though not directly for them-at least until Brandi took that tumble down one of the smaller ravine’s in Phoenix, broke her leg, and spent about a half hour sitting there in pain while Eva shouted updates down at her from the top of the ravine.

Now, a few hours later, Brandi was on morphine, and Eva was sitting next to her on the hospital bed, watching the leg that was propped up in a sash suspended from the ceiling. Brandi had her head resting on Eva’s shoulder, and managed to be quiet for about a minute before she started giggling again.

“My sister is soooooo going to kill us.”

Eva laughed, before nudging her friends slightly. “This isn’t all your fault. You didn’t try to break your leg.”

“Yes. But she told me not to get into trouble,” Brandi replied, before gesturing vaguely at her leg. “That’s trouble. And when she finds out you’re here on top of that-”

“-you didn’t tell them I was here?” Eva asked, giving her a confused frown.

“Why do you think you’re not staying at my house?” Brandi replied. “It’s not that they don’t love you, it’s just that bad things tend to happen when you and I are together. It’s like chemistry.”


“Yup,” Brandi replied with a certain nod. “Mix the two wrong chemicals together, and they go-”

The sentence was finished off with a sound that was probably supposed to be an explosion, but the morphine was making it difficult to get the sound just the way she wanted, but Eva got the point. Brandi could feel the giggle bubbling through her throat, and she couldn’t help but grin in a way that wasn’t completely morphine induced. She had missed her best friends. Despite the fact that whenever they were together, things like this happened, it was nice to have someone around who she wasn’t fighting with, or working through awkward sexual tension with. It was nice to have someone who just liked her for her, no ifs, ands, or buts, and she could certainly get used to this.

She wouldn’t, because Eva would be gone in a week. But she could.

Eva started rambling on about something related to her life back in New York for a few minutes, before the curtain to their little cubicle of the ER flew open, and Raph stepped through, looking over both of them expectantly.

“Raph! You came!” Brandi said with a wide grin, before starting to look confused. “I didn’t call you.”

“Mary had to go take care of something for work, so she asked me to come pick you up-” Raph paused for a moment, before looking over at the other woman on the bed. “-who is this?”

“This is my Eva,” Brandi said, wrapping her arms around her friend and giving her a tight squeeze. “Eva, this is my Raph.” Because clearly everyone belonged to her now.

“Wait, you’re Raph!?” Eva said with a grin, looking in the other man’s direction. “You were right, he is hot.”

“And you haven’t even seen his good side yet,” Brandi nodded. “Could bounce a nickel of that thing. For serious.”

Raph just stared at them both for a moment, sighing slightly, before running a hand over his face. “This is going to be a really long drive back to your house, isn’t it?”

Eva just continued to grin at him. “Oh, you have no idea.”

775 words

comm}: just prompts, with}: raphael ramirez, with}: eva brooks, verse}: canon

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