My first real entry, go me

May 17, 2003 22:17

Yesterday I went over to my sister's apartment in Denton to visit. Saw Matrix again last night with her and her sorority friends...actually understood it this time around.

Woke up this morning and drove down through fort worth to alvaredo to visit with Molly for a little bit. She's doing well. Met 'the famous ex' and told her he was nicer in person, but i lied.

On the way home I got really annoyed by the fanta commercial on the radio. You know the one....""don't you want a want a fanta?"" Proceeded to quickly turn the dial, but found myself singing it all the way home....

But oh my god, on the way home I had to go to the bathroom like never before!!!! I saw the dallas skyline, and judging from the size, I estimated that I was still a good 30 minutes away, so I HAD to stop. Anyways, long story short, the sink didn't work and there was little toilet paper, so I drove the rest of the way home using my wrists so as not to get dookie on my steering wheel. 20 minutes later it hit again, and I was like ""screw this shit, Im waiting till i get home."" So i sped like a madman. Cop pulls me over and does his whole condescending speech about the speed limit and such. I told him ""I really gotta go and Ive got shit on my hands please please let me go!"" He laughs and lets me go, so I finish getting home and run upstairs.

Pretty gross story, but a big part of my day nonetheless.

But right now im feeling pretty damned good. Still got alot of homework to finish, but I'll just overwork myself monday and use the rest of the weekend to do diddly. As a character on the new matrix put it: ""None of us ever have any time, but then again how can we ever have time if we never take time?""

Well said, well said...

So now I'm chillin like a villain on my comp talkin to homies, yo. my plans for this evening include watcing saturday night live, sippin ginger ale, and munchin on some panburger helper in my pj's with some friends from next door.

Its great living in student sponsored housing....everyone from school lives so close, but not so close that you always have to see them, like in dorms.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i feel great right now. No particular reason, im just in peace.....i find that I stay in this state longer and more often the less I go home to visit the parents.

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