Jun 20, 2003 15:13
So I had this brilliant idea. from dell.com I could get a $75 rebate for ordering high speed internet through them. One of the offers was from verizon, which had a deal for first month free and then 2 months at a discounted rate before the price would go to the normal monthly rate. And guess what? They had no term commitment. So I'm sitting here thinking to myself "hey, I'll be in LA for what? a little over a month, so why don't I get high speed, then the rebate and cancel it before I ever pay." Meaning I would score myself a nice lil $75 profit on the whole deal. So I eagerly snag this offer with my grubby lil hands and a few days later my self-install DSL kit arrives in the mail. Excitedly I plug everything in and thinking everything is ready to go i try to connect online, only to get the message "error!!! your computer is not connected to the internet." So I call Verizon only to have them tell me to unhook my DSL modem and restart the computer. I go DUHHHH! I've done that already!!! So after dealing with them on and off for about 3 days, they send me some dude from technical support to my house today. Not only do they give me the GREAT time slot of 8 am - noon, but the dude shows up 2 hrs late. He walks in takes a look at my phone line and goes "due to your phone system, the only way we can make DSL work is to either cut your phone line or cut your alarm system line." So I'm like fuck we can't do that, so I end up cancelling my DSL service that never worked to begin with. So much for working the system, the system jsut worked me again. Lesson learned, but don't you worry, one of these days I'm gonna WORK that system and show it who's its daddy. System, you may have won the battle, but I WILL win the war. NO DOUBT.