So actually the world is great. I think you all worry too much! "Blah blah blah this" and "whatever whatever that" and "I'm Poseidon I'm gonna complain about nothing rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr I'm oooold." Listen to Tyche.
It rocks. Trust her. Philosoraptor says so too.
Observe! I've been really heavy into the science crap lately--or the argument shit--or whatever it is--I can't remember. But the point is that I bring proof to your pessimistic world! Even more than that, I bring charts and lists. Ooooooooooh--what you gonna do now, Borry?
And why is it so awesome? Eggplants, druggies, Burger King commercials, mhm the Burger King, velvet jewelry boxes, beanie babies, Papa Marlboro, glass bottles, explosions, big-ass wine goblets, the subway, unidentified substances you find on the subway, cute eraser tops, colored light bulbs, politicians' hairstyles if they have any at all, melted candles, confetti and streamers, people who have their faces all scrunched up, those frogs that die and come back to life, priests' little white collar things (those are hot), fat tourists, street vendors, whatever is in hotdogs, how webcams look like eyes, cheesecake, the discovery channel, therapeutic pillows and mattresses, ugly newborns, sudden death, KOs, The Wizard of Oz, breakdancing, holographic shit, 100 dollar bills (Oh Ben~), the high availability of porn, me.
Cheer up and be a man. I'm looking at you, chuck. Grow a pair like mine! Enjoy yourselves! ;)
By the way, the really loud music? Yeah, that one is on me too, guys--don't know how to turn it off. Anyway, love ya~ :D