Jan 17, 2004 20:43
i think i want to make my own survey, so everyone can jock me, and make me feel special :-)
What school do you go to?
What middle school did you go to?
Whats your full name (including middle)?
Whats the first pet you ever had?
Whats your favorite movie?
Whats your favorite drink?
Whats your favorite food?
Whats your favorite word?
Whats your favorite sport?
Who is your best friend?
Who was your first kiss?
Who was your first Bf/Gf?
who was your first crush?
Who do you like?
Who is the hottest person in the world?
Who is your favorite band?
Who is your worste enemy?
Ketchup or Musturd
Car or Truck
Plane or Boat
Talk or Write
Hug or Kiss
Orange or Apple
Hand or foot
Looks or Personality
Water or Soda
Beer or Wine
Life or Heaven
Ambercrombie & finch or Hollister
Comedy or Drama
Friends or Lovers
If you were stranded on a desert island, with only one person, one food, and one drink... what would they be?
If you could only have one friend who would that be?
ok thats my thing fill it out, and give all your answers
ok lae tr
you better comment