Title: Late In The Evening
nothorse Rating: R, for allusions?
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Dash (for
Character: Willow, Kennedy
Spoilers: post-Chosen
Disclaimer: Not mine. No money.
"Willow, Baby?"
"You know we're still legal residents of Massachusetts?"
"Because of the house, right?"
"Yeah. So. I've been thinking. We could maybe?"
"Maybe. On one condition, though."
"One condition?"
"Yep. You've got to start using your first name."
"Aw, no."
"Yes. because it's terribly awkward to yell 'Duck, Kennedy dash Rosenberg!' in a fight."
"I think we'll do it the other way. I'll just do it right, change the name completely and be Kennedy Rosenberg without any need for dashes. So, is that a 'yes'?"
They repeated that word quite a few times that night.