4 more drabbles about Dawn and Death

Mar 10, 2009 15:44

Title: It's Really Hard To Hold Your Breath
Author: nothorse
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #042 - Five things (for tthdrabbles)
Character: Dawn
Spoilers: Post-Chosen for BtVS, Post-Movie for Dead Like Me
Disclaimer: Neither BtVS nor Dead Like Me are mine. No money.

Dawn Summers misses five things, now that she is a grim reaper:

Her books. Buffy kept some of Dawn's children's books. Those she misses most.

Xander. For being the one guy she could talk to without dancing around any number of issues. And for the bad jokes.

That pizza place right next to the Hyperion. They had the most perfect anchovies ever.

The respect of her colleagues that she had worked so hard for. She's going to win it back, but she has to start from zero again.

Her sister. Every day, she misses her annoying, overprotective stupidly heroic sister.

Title: Suspended In Your Masquerade
Author: nothorse
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #051 - The written word (for tthdrabbles)
Character: Dawn
Spoilers: Post-Chosen for BtVS, Post-Movie for Dead Like Me
Disclaimer: Neither BtVS nor Dead Like Me are mine. No money.

The small bookstore had once been one of Dawn's favourite sources of reference works and manuscripts.

"Miss Summers! Happy to see that the rumors about your death..."

Dawn interrupted the shopkeeper, "...are unfortunately completely correct."

He started, and peered at Dawn over the rim of his glasses. "Ah," he said finally, "I see."

Dawn studied him. He looked human, but he should not have recognized her reaper self.

"So what are you? Demon? Mage?" she asked.

"Oh nothing of the sort. I'm more or less a colleague. While most of the written word is inanimate, some books do have souls."

Title: That Ragged, Jagged Melody
Author: nothorse
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #063 - Death (for tthdrabbles)
Character: Dawn
Spoilers: Post-Chosen for BtVS, Post-Movie for Dead Like Me
Disclaimer: Neither BtVS nor Dead Like Me are mine. No money.

"I'm going to take this one." Dawn put her hand on the post-it.

"Do you really want to do this, Dawn?" George spoke softly.

"You know it's against the rules? And it's going to end in heartbreak. I had hoped you had learned something in the last two decades."

Dawn didn't trust herself to say anything. She had had nightmares about this moment. She had thought the kids were enough of an incentive to stay retired, to stay home. She had hoped that this particular post-it just wouldn't come up.

B. Summers
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ETD 22:34

Title: They're Built Like Light
Author: nothorse
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: #002 - Character: Buffy (for tthdrabbles)
Character: Dawn
Spoilers: Post-Chosen for BtVS, Post-Movie for Dead Like Me
Disclaimer: Neither BtVS nor Dead Like Me are mine. No money.

"Dawn! But you're dead!"

Buffy noticed her own shredded body.

"Oh," she said. "And so am I, it seems."

"Yes," said Dawn sadly. "I'm here to get you to your lights."

"Take me to what?"

Dawn just hugged her sister.

"I'm undead, Buffy, a reaper. I take the souls of people and escort them to their lights, their entrance to the other side. And one day, I'll get my own."

"No way. Not gonna leave you here."

"I can't Buffy, it's not allowed."

"Bullshit." With that, Buffy grabbed her sister and ran into the shimmering curtain.

The lights twinkled out.

dead like me, buffy, dawn, drabble, xover

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