Title: Stake in the Machine - B is for Buffy
nothorse Rating: G
Fandoms: BtVS/Girl Genius Crossover
Setting: Sometime during the radio plays for Girl Genius and some happy post-Chosen AU for BtVS.
Disclaimer: BtVS belongs to Joss, Girl Genius to the Foglios. Not mine. No money.
Written for
SlowMercury for the TtH 2008 Holiday Fic-A-Thon. Rebooted version.
"Oooff. Faith?"
"Doing OK here, B"
"Hurt bad?"
"Ow. A few stars and minor birdies."
Faith is the first to get up. "Where the heck are we, Red?"
"No idea, this time it's not my fault, I didn't do any magic at all and it was the yellowish demon that went all ka-blooey when Buffy ran him through and... Breathing now."
"The way it looks, we're in some kind of prison." Buffy frowns.
"Yeah, metal bars are a dead giveaway," Faith dings one of the bars with her knife. "Not my kind, though. Good bit more rustic."