Jun 27, 2008 13:48
This place jus' doesn't stop does it? Gravity seems to be a little off 'round here. Maybe if can be fixed with the right parts like that time we saw the transporter ship whose core was busted an' spinnin' like a water wheel on a flowin' river. But I don't have any of the right parts, and I dunno where I'd put 'em even if I did. I'll be kinda uncomfortable sleeping on the celin' as is, maybe if I can reach the bed up there I can rig up a hammock from the sheets.
Sure is strange lookin' out them windows now though, but we've seen stranger thing on the Serenity. Speakin' of strange, I went with Howl out ta find Jenny and Okita 'cause they'd followed somethin' into the forest the other day. Guess that's one of those event things people were talkin' 'bout? An' this too, huh? Well, we'll jus' have to make do with what we can for the time bein' , its all we can do.
I'm lucky I'm on the tallish side, but what about the poor March Hare? He'll never be able ta reach the ceilin' given his height.... I'd help, but I'm not too sure 'bout the likelyhood of gettin' out of the door.
[Filtered to Simon]
Everything okay in your room an' all?
[Private // Secure]
I'm already meetin' plenty of nice people like Jenny and Howl. Though I still feel bad for callin' Okita a girl. I'm so glad Simon's here! I wonder what River meant when she was goin' on about needin' to hit him with a wrench. Is there somethin' really wrong with him now, or is it jus' normal River stuff?
the march hare,
[comment] simon tam,
[comment] jenny,
!event: gravity flip,
[comment] beast boy,
solvin' your problems,