(no subject)

Jan 18, 2008 00:16

you try to get away from bad things, but they always seem to come back to haunt you. escape is an esoteric concept for those imprisoned by their surroundings. confined to such a small area, couldnt you have found somewhere else to live? somewhere NOT within two blocks of my house? sure, it's convienent, sure its cozy, but its mine and doesn't ownership mean anything in this day and age? say what you will about your motives, whatever they're irrelevant and everyone knows it. the only person you're fooling is yourself. if you keep biting my shit long enough, maybe it'll even bite you back. and dont take this personal either, i'm just venting my frustration on the internet, when i could be shouting into a phone at you or bludgeoning you with a large blunt object. no matter what you do to escape, you can never get away, so what is the purpose of trying? from my experience in prison, i would wager a guess that hope is the only thing that can keep you alive, hope of one day being free of your burden. most prisoners never truly get that, and i suspect i shall not either.

while i'm here,

school has been difficult this quarter, and by difficult i mean FUCKING hard. Data Structures is a sink or swim sort of class and although all the instructions are rather fool proof and explicit, i have a great deal of doubt in my ability to program computers. Math isn't so bad but it's definitely getting more challenging and as for discrete math, i think i'd better stay up on my work. there is definitely no time to dick around this quarter. As far as hobbies and shit go, i've been taken aback by bicycling as of late and am devoting all of my resources into getting a bike and a couple of tattoos. i've also been frequenting the gym but with sickness in the air, i suspect my gains will be short lived. it's all a test, just remember that, and you'll be fine. after writing more, i'm not as pissed about the abovementioned, but i'll have to see how it plays out. im really just shocked. of all the fucking places in the wide fucking world. 2 blocks... thats about 2000 too close.
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