(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 09:08

i never wanted to be one of those idiots who dedicates their life to work. but i have little other choice.

this, my friends is what you call high stress.

suddenly "being responsible" has been dumped on my shoulders. all the bills in the house are due and k-dub doesnt get paid until NEXT weekend and d-train is currently unemployed. not to mention we somehow didnt get the water switched over (which i know i did) so we owe our landlord like 70 bucks for that and our gas isn't switched over either (another 60 bucks) and those bills have found their way to our landlord and our landlord is pissed. she called me this morning on my way out the door and told me she wants it first thing monday. i also have to shell out 80 bucks for a deposit on the gas. not to mention our electric and phone/dsl were both due at the end of last month. if i try to get out of accent early starting today and work tonight, tomorrow night, all day saturday, and sunday morning i should be able to make enough money to keep our landlord sedated and maybe make that gas deposit. but that doesnt keep them from shutting off our electric (which is the highest bill we have). ill have an extra 200 on the same weekend k-dub gets paid so maybe i can set up at PTP agreement with the electric or something. not to mention i have to put off paying on my credit cards and other people who just HAVE to call me and let me know im past due everyday.

210 bucks by monday? jesus.

please no one talk to me right now. im pissed and im scared and i have no outlet and im tired of everything.

man, i was having such a good week too...
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