The dim detective's led astray. Des is a paranormal investigator. This means he needs cases to solve, because... You know, that's his job. They can be minor one-shot cases brought to him by random NPC's that someone might want to play or they can be slightly bigger cases brought to him by actual player characters. If you can think of cases where other characters might get involved in helping him sort through it, then that's even better! [Open]
Don't go out tonight for it's bound to take your life. Des has a tendency to find monsters, so if anyone would like to get into a random monster attack with Des, I'm all for it. XD It doesn't even have to be planned out! You can just poke me and go, "HEY, NEXT TIME THESE TWO THREADS, WE CAN HAS MONSTERS?" Because, honestly, Des's monsterthreads always turn out so hilarious and I love them. [Open]
You aren't so tough with my fist in your mouth. Let's face it. Des? Is not always the most likeable of guys. Back in his own world, most of the people he met could not STAND him for one reason or another. I'd love him to have a few guys he just fights and banters with all the time (much like he used to do with the Doctor) who he doesn't like and don't like him in return. CONFLICT IS GOOD. [Open for male characters]
Things are gonna get mighty rough, here at Gomorrah-By-The-Sea. Des is good at pissing people off. It's a talent he wields like a badge of honor, but one of these days, he's going to piss off the wrong person and it's not going to end well for him. There will be pain, probably torture, and... More pain. And Grace will hate her life SO MUCH. The person actually inflicting the torture on him is already claimed, but if anyone who is close friends with Des wants to be part of this... Yeah. [Open]
Cut him down from that old poplar tree. Back in his own world, Des was intriguing to a lot of people. Heaven and Hell both wanted his soul and Ceirdowyn, the Queen of the Between (hah, that rhymes), wanted him as her own personal plaything. Of course, here he's pretty normal, but there's a chance that he might attract the interest of some powerful people who might want him as her own personal pawn or plaything (yeah, it's better if it's a girl). There are four very specific roles to fill- Ceirdowyn, Death, Dawson, and Pestilence. Of course, the only one of those who is really specific is Pestilence (in that whoever fills that role would have to be really, really obsessed with him to the point of being clingy), so , you know, one person could fill more than one or encompass all of them or... Something. [
sinsofskin , open to at least three more female demons or other evil female characters]