Jan 16, 2004 17:55
I Havn't updated in a loooong time.... Nothing has really been going on... I went to school 2 days this week... Monday and Tuesday obviously were boring it was school! Then Wendsday I went to waterville valley with 40 other people from school from some cultural diversity/snowboarding/skiing thingy... that was dumb because i ended up throwing up and i couldn't do anything all day it SUCKED! yeah but anyways... Thursday i stayed home sick from school which was boring and i still was feeling 'blah' that night... Todayschool was cancelled... I guess they thought it was to cold out for the kids to take buses... Callista is here now and i was playing with her earlier... Shes so cute!...............
...My Dream...
Thursday night I couldn't sleep at all... I had one of those dreams where you feel like you are falling and when you hit the ground you twitch and wake up... yeah i had one of those then I was going back to sleep and when i was sleeping I had this dream that i was pregnant! the dream just like dragged on and my sister woke me up because Corey called and i thought it was in the dream at first then i was like talking to him and i realized it wasn't I almost like freaked out!
Am I...
am i cute?
am i crazy?
am i lovable?
am i funny?
am i annoying?
am i psycho?
am i daring?
am i a good person?
would you..
would you hug me?
would you miss me if i was gone?
would you kiss me?
would you make out with me?
would you listen to my problems?
would you be a good friend?
would you be my best friend?
would you ever..
would you ever go out with me?
would you ever do it again if you already have?
would you ever marry me if you could?
would you ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?
would you ever make out with me in a cemetery?
would you ever make out with me in the rain?
- would you ever snuggle with me?
if you could..
if you could do one thing with me, it would be?
if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go?
just a few questions..
what do you love about me?
what do you hate about me?
what is my best quality?
if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
what is your honest opinion about me?
what would you do if i sang out of tune?
what song reminds you of me?
do i remind you of any characters on tv?
have you ever had a dream about me?
do you think i'm a virgin?
if you just met me, how old would you guess i am?
am i huggable?
if you could give me anything, what would it be?
if you could promise me anything, what would it be?
am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, ect.?
if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?
when we first met, what were your thoughts?
if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them?
what are my faults?
what are my strengths?
do you wish we were closer?
why aren't we closer?
Feel Free To Comment on anything. AND Don't forget to fill in the survey thingy. But anyways Im out thats my update for today. I will try to keep updated...