Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass. Part V.

Oct 24, 2011 23:11

Author:Me::nothingreally13::: ( )

Title: Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass.

Rating: R

Summary: Well this one sucks:: Merry Christmas To Bam when an old friend comes to 'visit' but his welcoming 'gift' to Bam and Missy isn't to much appreciated. What happens that Christmas? Or will they keep us guessing....

Disclaimer: I promise:: This is as real as me having six arms and ten legs with eight eyes and heads on my tongue(To be honest I suck at spelling sorry). And as far as I now it's illegal to own people in all 50 states including Mexico and Canada... So y'know! (:

Authors Note: Yea that:: Okay thanks to paleblueunicorn we have a banner!! And here is part V. Enjoy sweets! c(:

List of previous parts:
Part I--->( )<--- :D
Part II-->( )<---;D
Part III--->( )<--->.<
Part IV--->( )<--->.> Hush it.

Part V:

I checked to see if Dakin was asleep then drug Bam to my room. As soon as the door shut behind him I caught his lips in mine walking him backwards till he hit the door with a soft thud. The kiss was gently and the taste of Bam was something no one ever forgot. I let Bam push me towards my bed. Laying down Bam straddled my thighs, a familiar sense ran through my body. One that I would have to ignore for the sake of my 16 year old daughter being a light sleeper and right down the hall. Not that I truly wanted to deny Bam in any way.

I sighed pulling him down latching my lips onto his, then pulling back one last time. I smoothed his hair back and smiled.

"Brandon, you know as well as I do that I want to. But Dakin is a light sleeper and is right down the hall," I looked into Bam's sapphire eyes," Not tonight my love."
"That's alright. But I can stay right," Bam asked voice full innocence.
"Of course sweetheart," I kissed his forehead," Anytime you want."

Bam smiled laying next to me in the bed. I pulled him gently into me knowing he would sleep better that way. And it was almost immediately that Bam was asleep. My own slumber following shortly behind, having the love of my life in my arms made it so much easier to sleep.
. . . .
"WHAT THE HELL," The familiar shocked voice of Dakin rang in my ears making me sit straight up in bed worried.
"Whats wr-"
"Minä tulen Katso isäni bed toisen ihmisen kanssa. Mitä helvettiä pitσis usko? Tarkoitan selittää," Dakin continue to yell in our narive tongue, shutting the door.
"Tyttövauva, rauhallinen alaspäin Sallikaa minun puhua," I said stepping to my daughter resting my hands on her shoulders trying to calm her.
"Well speak," Dakin sighed," I'm sorry for scaring you Bam. It's just your bitch of a wife asked me to come find y'all so I, and then, so yea."
"It's alright Dakin. Come sit down and let me and your dad explain it to you," Bam said motioning for Dakin to come sit next to him, she did.

After two hours of explaining to Dakin, Bam and I's relationship. We sat in silence for 3 minutes nothing from Dakin.

"OH! So your gay," Dakin pointed to Bam, she looked to me," I knew you were bi... So, eh."
"Dakin yes Bam is gay. Actually he likes c-"
"AH!! Shut up! I'm going to take a shower and to do something. BYE," and with that Dakin slammed the door only for Missy to open it again.
Missy put her hands on her hips," Bam can you come help me please."
"Yea Missy," Bam walked out pouting like a lost puppy.

I rolled my eyes at the insanity waiting to happen with both my kids here and Bam's friends it was only to get worse. But it felt good, right in a way. Like a home away from my home. Not that my home is in any way, shape, or form sane now days. I looked at the time, sighing i got to shower myself.

As I step into the bathroom I heard Falling In Reverse coming from down the hall and something hit a wall. I cringed and locked the bathroom door. Knowing whatever it was Dakin was just being... Well Dakin. That's true no word to describe her. Sighing I stepped into the shower knowing Jacobi would be here soon.
. . . .
Walking down the stairs I heard the yelling of two females and a  male trying to split it up. Sighing I was hoping Dakin didn't start it. I came in to see Dakin advancing on Missy beyond the point of rational thought, the scary thing is my 16 year old had a knife in her hand.

"Shit, Bam why'd you give the kid a knife," I yelled running and catching my daughter before she tried to slit Missy's throat and have no remorse," Dakin Alexus Valo dropped the knife now."

I heard the clink of metal hitting the floor and mistakenly let go of Dakin, only to grab her mid pounce. She was really upset and I was pretty sure Missy had done something major. And I was gonna find out what.

A/N2: Okay I'm sleepy more in the morning my sweet loves. Sweet dreams.

Much Love Sweets.


PS. I'm still looking for a beta but i was wondering if anyone had any thing they'd like to create for the dear story. If so just message me and let me know. And I'll post translations tomorrow promisePS. I'm still looking for a beta but i was wondering if anyone had any thing they'd like to create for the dear story. If so just message me and let me know. And I'll post translations tomorrow promise.

nothingreally13, genre:comedy, genre:life, ect, genre:fluff, genre:love, ville valo/fic, genre:drama, vam, ville valo

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