(no subject)

Oct 11, 2011 14:17

Author:Me::nothingreally13::: ( http://nothingreally13.livejournal.com/ )

Title: Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass.

Rating: R

Summary: Well this one sucks:: Merry Christmas To Bam when an old friend comes to 'visit' but his welcoming 'gift' to Bam and Missy isn't to much appreciated. What happens that Christmas? Or will they keep us guessing....

Disclaimer: I promise:: This is as real as me having six arms and ten legs with eight eyes and heads on my tongue(To be honest I suck at spelling sorry). And as far as I now it's illegal to own people in all 50 states including Mexico and Canada... So y'know! (:

Authors Note: Yea that:: Holy Crow!!! Part 3 sweethearts enjoy the craziness. c(:

List of previous parts:
Part I--->( http://nothingreally13.livejournal.com/3587.html?view=5635#t5635 )<--- :D
Part II-->( http://nothingreally13.livejournal.com/4389.html#cutid1 )<---;D

"Bam," I nudged him.
"That kid is yours," Bam said loudly.
"Yea this kid is his. I have a name y'know. I'd like for you to use it too. No better yet you have to use," Dakin enforced putting her hands on her hips.
"Sorry, Dakin you're just, umm different the I expected," Bam spat out.
"Isä tämä amerikkalainen on tyhmää," Dakin looked at Bam giggling a little as she spoke.
"Huh," Bam questioned scratching his head.
"Dakin se ei ole mukavaa. Ja hän voi puhua suomea. Joten hys," I spoke sternly to my 16 year old.
"Sorry," Dakin looked to Bam," Sorry for calling you stupid, in a language you don't know."
Bam blinked and smiled pulling Dakin into a hug," Its cool. Your dad taught me a little when you used to umm--Hang out, we were younger then."
"Oh i thought you were gonna say when y'all used to fu--."
"DAKIN! Don't even," I yelled at my daughter rolling my eyes taking her towing her towards the hummer.
"Sorry," Dakin whispered running to keep up with me.
Bam lagged behind while i explained to Dakin some ground rules. And I was thankful that my child listened a little, well enough to make it pass Missy which I was pretty sure would have a mental break down before Christmas Eve. Saying this its 10 days till then. I sighed and looked at my daughter her eyes a mix of her mothers Blue and my green making them a strange blue green colour, a smile like her mothers poor thing ended up with teeth like her mothers too but with a gap like me. She must of just got her braces tightened before she called me last time her colors where blue and puprle, now they were green and glittered gray. Dakin was beautiful like her mother. I sighed again pulling her close to me.
"Dakin try and behave, please," I kissed the top of her head.
"I will daddy," She smiled and got into the back of the hummer.
I smiled at Bam getting myself, he smiled back. I began to think about how I was gonna get Bam back to being all mine. But deciding to think about it later.
"She's worse then him," Missy huffed like a high school preppy bitch.
"God Missy you complain a lot," Bam shock his head with a laugh.
"Yea well she's a little bitch," Missy waved at Dakin who had an accomplished smile on her face.
I shock my head stood behind Dakin,"Mene yläkertaan ja miehittää itse vähän aikaa, ota."
Dakin turned in the bar stool and smiled,"Hän tarkoittaa, okei minä."
Dakin slid off the stool, quietly sneaking out of the kitchen. I could hear her begin to hum to herself the farther away from the kitchen she got the softer it got. I walked around the bar to Bam and Missy who where still arguing. I smiled, that seductive smile, from behind Bam at Missy. Missy gasp and it disappeared before Bam could turn to see it. I smiled at Bam the same way but with more meaning. Missy practically growled.
"Brandon, we are going upstairs and you're gonna apologize to me," Missy huffed dragging Bam along with her.
I shock my head looking at the time smiling to myself. I give them 20 minutes and Bam'll be at my door. I turned and made my way up to my room. I passed the room Dakin was staying in stopping and putting my ear to the door. She was yelling in Finnish, I tapped on the door.
"Come in," Dakin whispered.
"Whats wrong," I asked concerned.
"Oh I lost my earrings," she sighed and dropped to the floor.
"They'll turn up. I'm in the room three doors down and the left if you need me," I shut the  door.

A/N2: I'm sorry it's so short!!! I have writers block!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!! Any ways translations:Sorry if I muffed something up::
Isä tämä amerikkalainen on tyhmää -  Dad, this american is stupid.
se ei ole mukavaa. Ja hän voi puhua suomea. Joten hys - it's not nice. And he can not speak Finnish. so hush
Mene yläkertaan ja miehittää itse vähän aikaa, ota - Go upstairs and occupy yourself for a while, please
Hän tarkoittaa, okei minä - She's mean, okay I will

Sorry for the shortness. Comments = My Muse!! and ♥♥LOVE♥♥!~ Con-Crit is nice thanks!!!! And I'm thinking about re do-ing these last two chapters,,,,,, not sure tell me what you lovely people think!!!



nothingreally13, genre:life, ect, genre:suspense, genre:fluff, genre:love, ville valo/fic, genre:drama, vam, genre:au, ville valo

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