This article has my blood boiling.
In the fight to preserve the toughest abortion ban in the United States, the talk is not of a fetus's right to life. It's of a woman's right to motherhood.
Well, I'm glad someone is finally standing up for the right to motherhood! Mothers have been persecuted long enough, by the angry mobs that surround every maternity ward, bent on stopping women from giving birth; by the government-supported abortion centers that lure women in with free pregnancy tests then pile on the anti-pregnancy propaganda and shocking birth photos; by the restrictive parental consent laws that require girls to get parental consent or be forced to abort; and by the anti-birth churches and the anti-birth lobbyists relentlessly pushing for more and more anti-birth laws! WHY don't these idiots understand that outlawing birth will never make it go away??
Antiabortion activists here deliberately avoid the familiar slogans of their movement. They don't talk about the ``murder of innocent babies" or quote the Bible on the sanctity of life. Instead, Vote Yes for Life campaign manager Leslee Unruh has taken what she calls a feminist approach, arguing that legalized abortion exploits women and -- for their sake -- must be stopped.
That's about as feminist as saying that women are too delicate for things like voting and working, so those should be felonies for women, too.
``We women buy the choice line. We're panicked, or we're being pressured, or we're ashamed to have a child outside marriage," Unruh said. She speaks from personal experience; she had an abortion nearly 30 years ago and said her life since has been darkened with regret and longing. ``If you don't do your job right as a mother," Unruh asked, ``what good is everything else?"
Hear that, ladies? Unless you are a mother, your whole life's work is worthless. Got that? WORTHLESS. So says "feminist" Leslee Unruh.
Abortion-rights supporters call such rhetoric presumptuous; they say many women find that ending unwanted pregnancies brings relief and the freedom to pursue other dreams. But they acknowledge that Unruh's tactic is effective -- and that it has thrown their campaign off balance.
``Historically, this debate has been focused on fetal rights, fetal life. We have a lot of language about that," said Sarah Stoesz, president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota and North and South Dakota ``This adds an element we're not accustomed to. It's a different line of debate. . . . And that is something we struggle with politically."
Excuse me?? You're not accustomed to anti-choicers making the argument that pregnant women are too inept and incompetent to choose abortion willingly?? That misogynistic line of reasoning is as old as the hills!!