Super Movies

Jul 21, 2008 10:39

So this was a 2 movie weekend for me, which I chaven't done in a looong time.

Friday I saw Hellboy 2; The Golden Army

This movie was beautiful looking. The creatures' designs even when they were ghoulish and hidieuous still seemed magical and pretty at the same time. The movie was missing some of the darkness and charm of teh first one, but where it faultered with those it made up for it with better production values and designs. They recast the voice of Abe with from David Hydep Pierce which threw me at first but all in all the person the recast (the actual man in the suit from what my friend steve tells me). It had some great laugh out loud moments and a few genieunly sweet moments. Also a great peformance by Seth MacFarlane as well. I recomend seeing this film.

Saturday I saw Dark Knight;

Yes the hype is true. Its an amazing movie. The casting was spectalar as the first movie. Even BETTER with the recasting of Maggie Gylenhall instead of Katie Holmes! I don't know if Ledger deserves an Oscar (he won't get one most likely anyway for a superhero movie) but he definately hada great performance. He plays Joker as a chaos obsessed twisted psychopath as a beutiful foil to Batman's Order obsessed twisted psyopath. Bale did an awesome job again. The way he can light switch the broody and the playboy is what made him perfect chocie and he dleivers again. Eckhart was also a great Dent who.. well he's good and lets leave it at that.
Caine was the only one who got teh hsort end I think. He was still good but teh movie only had a couple of great Alfred moments. The writing was perfect it borrowed slightly from the comics and the animated series while still being fresh and new.

While I'm at it I also saw Hancock last week. It was a lot of fun. It had some geniune laughs and some moving moments. I felt like the twist was almost unecessary and must have gotten a rewrite from M Knight Shamalan. Anyway it's still worth watching, but hardly the must sees the first two movies were.

Let me Trail off for a second..
In seeing all of these I saw alot of trailers I wantedt o mention a few

Rightioeus Kill
OMFG Deniro and Pacino as old hard boiled cops tracking a seriel killer.

AWESOME LOOKING,Loved the book and I have alot of faith in Zac Synder (300, Dawn Dead) and trailer has ALOT of promise!!

Mummy 3
I'll definetly watch it on HBO

Shia lebeouf film i can't remeber the name of
Obviuously from above made quite an impression
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