I would like a layout with a peachy/pinky theme, personalized comment thingys..
((to post a comment)):: What they cant have
((posted already )) :: (number) wants what
http://www.angelfire.com/super2/sweetlc/images/PeachBG.gifwith this image dividing the comment things :: ((if possible))
http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:gpq5lbii6gQC:www.yimpan.com/Songsite/IMG/love.gifboarder :: 2 lines ...I cant realy explain it but its kinda like === :-\
curser: crosshair
links: (( if possible )) when you put your mouse over the link I really want it to "glow" in white...
font: trebuchet MS sz. 9
if you can I kind of want my layout to have the top like in this journal, at the
http://www.livejournal.com/users/cuddled/58913.htmllike how it says :: thingss change you can hold me but my past stays ini my memories... uh, if yoiu can do any of this it would be greatly appreciated:: well, MY IM is Luvya4eva222, Email... Xoblubunnyox@aol.com .... TY!!!!!