The rules of the role-play (insert ominous music here)

Dec 16, 2009 17:19

Read them please, especially if you're new around here. And do feel free to pm me if you have any question ^^


In case you ended up here totally by chance, here is a general explanation of what this place is about.

This is a role play community. It is rated PG14. If you do not know what role play is, go here. If you would like some more information on what play-by-post role-playing on LJ is, you may go there.

Note that it is not a fanfiction community, many other awesome places are devoted to this!

It revolves around the 60s rock band called The Beatles and their closest friends and lovers. Yes, this is real people role play, although we don't mean to offend anyone. We are not here to impersonate or steal anyone's identity and none of the threads you will see here pretends to be real, even if most of them are based on actual events. Role playing real people is meant with love and admiration for the people we role play, and we try to do them justice when portraying them.


-you can have as many characters as you want, Beatles, Beatles' wives or friends/acquaintances.
- original characters are not accepted.
-you can join the game at any moment. You can leave, provisory or permanently at any moment, provided you try to finish your on-going threads before or at least tell the people you're rp'ing with you're not interested anymore. If you know you're going to be away for more than a few days, please do post an entry on your character(s) LJ to say so.
-you can choose your time and space span, build it up through several threads or jump from one thing to the other freely. AU are also accepted, provided you make sure all the persons you rp with are okay and provided you explain clearly what your AUs is about in the first posts.
-We accept gen, het and slash, so respect other people's choice. Some entries will be NC-17, and most entries will be friends locked, so please join or watch the community.
- Please, before you start playing, introduce yourself  following our introdution template . This way it will help you to get to know other members here (we're nice, promise ;p) and also to find partners to rp with easily. Also, I think it's merely polite to say hi ^^
-and last but not least, be polite, be patient, don't flame other people and try to stay active.

Edit : because I thought it was obvious and apparently it's not :  you may not jump in at any moment into people's threads, without asking them first if they agree. A thread is not a public thing where anyone can post their bit, it's a "private" game between two or more people, with a plot more or less planned in advance. The least you can do is actually to ask  the players concerned if you really want to join a thread, and see if they agree.


- preferably, you would need a LJ account for each of your characters.
-It would also be nice if you could all create an AIM account for yourself (one for all of your characters, or one for each, as you wish), so we can stay in contact with each other. It's free, useful and if you're a bit careful, you won't get any annoying people or bots talking to you. If you don't have one already, you may get one here :


-You can start as many threads as you want. I wouldn't advice opening too many at the same time, but it's up to you, really. Threads can have as many players as you want.
- Some people prefer to rp in past tense, others in present, some like first person narrative, other third person narrative. It's up to you really, but make sure with the other players before you start.
-Some people only like long elaborate answers when other prefer short lively ones. It's also up to you, but do try to find a compromise with the people playing with you.


-Please give a title to your entries following the next pattern :
title of the entry (it can be anything, no need to get into Proustian developments), characters involved (separated by a slash), place, time (both can be more or less precise)
Example: Trying out a new drummer, Paul/Ringo, Hamburg, 1962

-Please also remember to tag each of your entries with the name of the people you role play with (not the characters, the people, that is to say their accounts), the place and the time, AU if it's the case, and the pairing.
Example: writejohnlennon, sweetpaulie, John/Paul, London, 1969


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