(no subject)

Nov 23, 2007 18:32

I've tried to post several times today but people kept distracting me. Now though the kids are gone to the sperm donor's house and Jaimie went to the store and Mom is taking a shower and the Cold Case marathon is paused so it's quiet and I can focus. Maybe.

The trip to Iowa was a success overall. It started with a flat tire as Hope and I were leaving Wednesday morning but I was able to get it fixed quickly and we were close enough to the original meeting time that we still caught babygotbass and _lolapalooza and were able to follow them. The rain all the way was not fun but the snow did wait until we got to Cedar Rapids so that was lucky. We also survived drinking various beverages with water and ice cubes right before a boil order was announced. Oops.

Anyway, we made it up there and thanks to our early entry status were able to find great seats. That was a very good thing since the pit was the largest and scariest thing I've ever seen and I wouldn't have gone in there for a million bucks. Hope had a perfect view of Pete and she got lots of pictures and videos and generally had the best time ever. And that was the point so mission accomplished. As for me, I did enjoy most of the show. I wouldn't necessarily go again just for myself to see FOB or the opening acts but I definitely don't regret taking her. And I got to hang out with one of my favorite pairs of sisters and see mandalony for a little while and Hope owes me forever so it was totally worth it. Even the long-ass drive to KC yesterday. :)

Fabulous dinner last night and Brian's family left before Survivor came on so that was good. Today Jaimie spent most of the afternoon putting together her new lawn decorations and then Mom fixed fried chicken for Jaimie's birthday dinner. And now I'm waiting for us to eat the chocolate sheet cake I made this morning. Mmmm, cake.

Okay, Jaimie's back and it's time for cake and more Cold Case. Later!

hope and fob, holidays

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