
Feb 21, 2006 18:18

No intro, just some stream-of-consciouness rambling

- I'm ready for it to get warm out, even though it's been a relatively mild winter.

- Went to the Cape Saturday into Sunday w/ Nick, Amy Cherry and A-Mac. It was a nice 24 hour getaway, and I am very gracious to Nick's mom for having us all down. Being down there when it's a little chilly and attempting to do outdoor activities (translation: 20 minutes of throwing around a wiffleball w/ A-Mac) reaffirmed what I said above: I need the spring.

- Have two papers due next Thursday. Going to try to space them out, instead of doing what I usually do: piling it all on for the end of the semester.

- Been listening to a lot of Collective Soul lately. I just got their live CD, "Home", in which they perform with the Atlanta Youth Symphony Orchestra. The music is sweeping, grandoise, mellow and slightly melancholy. It's a good soundtrack for the transistion from one season to the next (notice a running theme here?)

- My favorite quote, the one that I think sums up my attitude on life, is from a Pearl Jam song: "No matter how cold the winter, there's a springtime ahead". I gues the point of this entry is: I'm ready for that springtime to be here, literally, metaphorically, whatever...I'm ready for something to happen.

- That said, let me reaffirm one thing. I love college, I love my family, I love my friends, both here and at home, and if I had a girlfriend, I'm sure I would love her too. This entry was getting vaguely emo, so I wanted to make it clear that, despite my longing for nicer...something...life is good

-Ultimately, this entry has no point. I just felt like writing.
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