Feb 20, 2008 18:48
I enjoying playing music as loud as i can and getting the cleaning lady dancing.
I enjoying sleeping through some classes (not literally but blank staring my teacher) and still getting an A in the course.
I find it hilarious hearing other students freak out about classes that I'm in and finding them relaxing.
I love being able to ride my bike/catch the bus and be at a beach in 10 mins.
I love jam sessions at the Hawaiian studies building.
Cool people have bus passes and/or bikes.
If your from the bay area your pretty much a god. (I joke)
Sunsets are so much cooler on an island.
I got a tan within 20 mins.
You pretty cool if you have curly/afro-ish hair.
If your from California in Hawaii...your not alone.
Having a blackberry with a calendar rocks.
Its acceptable to have sweat stains...they dry as soon as you enter a building.
Cool people have fans in their dorms.
Every building has A/C...except Sinclair library and a few others.
Bananas go bad really fast.
I miss home. (shockingly)
Dorm life in a commuter college kinda sucks.
All the action happens at the apartments...but your near the freshmen.
If you don't apply mosquito repellent your fucked...especially if you leave your door open.