A bit late, but here!

Apr 28, 2007 16:48

Title: Sweetest Goodbye
Pairing: 30 Rock- Floyd/Liz
Rating: PG
Length: 1,070
Spoilers: Cleveland

This was for the Goo Goo Dolls song (one of my absolute favorites :)) Slide.

Obi-Wan? That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.

“How long?”

A very long time.

Liz sighed, put her dvd on pause and flopped back on the couch, glancing at the clock.

“Two in the morning… I really need to get to sleep.” She muttered to herself, as her thoughts unavoidably turned back to Floyd.

“Should I call him...? It’s late… He could still be up unpacking… Would that seem too needy?” Liz pondered these questions as she helped herself to a cold slice of pizza from the fridge, which then turned into the other half of her apple turnover from dessert when Jenna took her out to dinner that evening. She made her way back into the living room, turned off the tv, headed into her bedroom and pulled on one of Floyd’s sweatshirts that she stole when she was helping him pack a couple of days ago. She then climbed into bed, snuggling under the covers, inhaling his familiar scent. Liz looked over at her nightstand and her eyes fell on a framed photo. Floyd’s sweet, lopsided grin met her gaze and she suddenly frowned, reached over and placed the photo face down.

“Blurg!” She then stated, rolling on her back, crossing her arms and angrily stared at the ceiling.

“He picked his job over me.” She thought. “He picked his job over ME!” she then said out loud. Liz then quickly considered one of the following:

1. Call and leave an angry voice mail
2. Get on her laptop and book the first flight out to Cleveland
3. Hire Grizz and Dotcom to kidnap Floyd and bring him home to New York

She reached for the phone.

Ring… ring… ring-


Liz almost dropped the phone in surprise, she didn’t expect him to pick up.

“H-hi.” She tentatively said.

“Hi sweetie! I was wondering when you’d call!”

All of Liz’s anger seemed to vanish as soon as she heard Floyd’s gentle Midwestern drawl fill her ear.

“Did I wake you?”

“Nah, I’m still unpacking. What are you still doing up? It’s late.”

“I couldn’t sleep. My bed is so big and empty without you.” She couldn’t help but add.

“Aw Lizzie, you’re killin’ me.”

“Good.” Liz thought. “The guiltier he feels, the better.”

“You’re still coming this weekend, right?” she then asked.

“Of course. I’ll be there right after the show ends.”

“I wish you didn’t move.” She said quietly into the phone.

“I know. But everything happens for a reason, right? I just wish Jack could have done something about that promotion.”

“Yeah.” Liz said, thinking about how he promoted that other Liz, Liz Lemler to their corporate office in Connecticut for her. It was kinda like he was her fairy godfather. Or worse, her pimp. She shuddered at the thought.

“Hey sweetie? I’m gonna let you go, you need to get to bed, I’m just guessing you have a long day tomorrow.” Floyd said, breaking through her thoughts.

“Yeah, I do.” She admitted. “Thanks for that Tracy.” She then thought.

“Alright my Lizzie-bee, goodnight, and I’ll talk to you later.” He said.

Liz smiled. “Okay, night Floyd.” She said.

“I love you.”

“I know.”

Liz then shut her eyes and smacked her forehead.

“I mean I love you too. Sorry, I’ve been watching Star Wars all night.”

“I know.” He said with a smile. They blew each other kisses and then hung up. Liz turned and put Floyd’s photo back face up.

“Wait a minute.” She then muttered, picking up the phone and dialing a number.

Ring… rin-

“Did you know that I loved you, or that I’ve been watching Star Wars all night?” She blurted out when he picked up the phone. He laughed.

“Both.” He said with a smile. Liz hid a smile.

“He so gets me.” She thought.

“Go to sleep babe.” He said, still smiling.

“You too sweetie.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to you later.”

Liz paused a moment before speaking.



“Stay on the phone with me till I go to sleep?” she asked, cringing at the absurdity of the question.

Floyd smiled. “Sure Lizzie. I’ll even get into my bed too. We’ll go to sleep together.”

Liz happily placed her phone on speaker and rested it on the pillow beside her. She then quickly turned off the light and settled down under her covers.

“Hey, you in bed?” Floyd asked, his voice filling the room.

“Yup, are you?”

“Yeah. See, this is almost like me being there.” He said, still trying to make Liz feel better.

“Nice try Floydster, but it’s not gonna work.” She said with a grin. He chuckled.

“I just wish I was there in the morning when you wake up.” He then said.

“Yeah, me too.” Liz said with a little sigh as she thought back to that morning when Floyd actually was in her bed. She was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock and the feeling of him leaving gentle kisses on her face which led into a morning love-making session to Maroon 5’s Sweetest Goodbye that ironically played in the background.

“So what have you done in Cleveland so far?” She then asked, changing the subject.

“Well after I got off the plane, I headed to the house to make sure the movers were there and all my stuff was there, hopefully in one piece. Called Sports Authority to order that basketball hoop and then ate lunch. After lunch I started unpacking and decided to take a break after a couple of hours and head down to my new office. You’d love it Liz, it’s big, it has windows all the way around and you can see the whole city. The first thing I did was put up a framed picture of you on my desk, that really cute one from when we were on vacation here? The one when you were petting that police horse?... And then two seconds after I took the picture, it sneezed on you?... Remember that?... Liz?... Lizzie?”

Floyd was met with deep even breathing, Liz finally fell asleep. He smiled.

“Night Lizzie, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He then said into his phone, switching it to speaker and then placing it on the pillow next to him. Liz made a soft, sleepy noise. Floyd smiled as he settled down under his covers, and soon fell asleep himself.

fandom: 30 rock, challenge: slide

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