(no subject)

Aug 10, 2007 16:26

Who: Neville Longbottom
Where: The Brecon Beacons, Mid Wales
When: 10th August 2001
Status: Complete

Everywhere else things seemed to change so rapidly. From one moment to the next. Here, really the only thing that changed was the seasons. In the spring, the flowers were in bloom. The summer, berries ripened. The fall, the leaves changed colour and in the winter, snow covered everything. Maybe it was because of just those simple natural changes that kept him coming back here.

Neville smiled a little. He would bring Ginny the next time.

Things had changed between them too, but for the better now. Seeing the other couples in the Order had made him wonder if it was worth the risk to have someone to love. Really at any moment, the Order could be discovered and all of them tortured or killed.

Was this how it was like for his parents? To care about someone so much even though you both know it could end very badly at any time. It had happened to them and it could very likely happen again. Yes, it must have been. Neville knew it was worth it. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her and he knew it was the same vise versa.

Ginny and he would have to be careful. he didn't want any children they would have to grow up during a war.

Neville leaned against a tree, idly stripping the leaves off a fallen branch. The little copse of trees he was in reminded him a little of the Forbidden Forest. There was a closed in feeling as well as the dim light caused by the sun trying to shine down through the numerous leaves and branches. A twig snapped behind him, making him jump and turn sharply, on hand on his hidden wand. Neville peered through the bushes, trying to figure out what had made the noise.

There was a very long silence before the answer came. A head popped up out of the bushes. The creature stared at Neville, whose mouth started to drop open, for a moment. Never in a million years would he have expected to see what he just saw there.

"Oh Mary. Did you scrape your knee again?..." A woman's voice sounded a little further up the trail, out of sight. "Come on then. We'll clean that up when we get back to the car." Neville watched, frozen, as a muggle woman and her young daughter walked past him. They nodded pleasantly to him, which he automatically returned stiffly. When they were gone again, he slowly looked over his shoulder again.

The Thestral was still there, though it wasn't paying him any attention any more. It had been joined by another. And both were looking in the direction that the mother and daughter had gone.

An idea formed in his head. It was crazy, but it just might work out. If he could get them back to the Order, then they would have another means of transportation. One that the Death Eaters wouldn't know about.

The only problem was that the closest thing to meat he had was some some sandwich meat. Neville prayed that it would be enough.

neville longbottom, complete

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