(no subject)

Jul 29, 2007 23:25

Who Severus and Remus
When July 29
Where Remus' flat
Status Complete log

Severus was extremely tempted to not brew the potion at all for this full moon, but in the end, he had. It was a complicated potion, one worthy of his skill, and that's why he did it-- or at least, that's what he told himself. If it happened to go to Lupin, well, at least it would be saving a few lives.

Writing out a quick note, he sent it through the floo before he began ladling the steaming potion into a silver goblet. Perhaps he should have checked earlier to make sure Lupin was at home, but that would look far too much like he was brewing it only for him. If Lupin happened to not be there... well, that was hardly his fault.

Turning the heat down on his cauldron, he waited for the return message and refused to think about the possibilities of Lupin being busy with entertaining someone.

Remus had journeyed home to Edinburgh on the vague off-chance that Severus would be showing up with a dose of Wolfsbane. He had heard nothing from the man insofar as if or when the Wolfsbane would be arriving. Perhaps it was sheer morbid curiosity that brought Remus to his dingy flat in Edinburgh while he waited for the rest of the day to pass.

And if Severus didn't show up, it wasn't a wasted trip. He still had to find a few new canisters of tea.

The note -- was a surprise. Remus skeptically held it up, wondering if it really had come from Severus. Still, he sent the return note back.

I'm here.

Not that it mattered much as a few minutes later, the note came shooting out of his fireplace and he caught it, mid air.

So Remus was there.

Lips set into a tight line, Severus snatched the still smoking goblet and Floo'd over to Remus' flat.

Remus saw Severus step through his Floo and his jaw nearly hit the floor. There was Severus holding the proverbial smoking gun. He stared at the goblet, his insides already turning thinking of swallowing the contents.

"You... you made it," Remus said unnecessarily, staring at the goblet. The look on his face plainly said he had not expected Severus to do so.

"I could pour it over your fireplace if you prefer," Severus snarled and thrust the goblet out towards Lupin and tried to forget what they'd been doing the last time they were in this room together.

"Or I could turn around and take it to Greyback, though it wouldn't offer much of a change."

Remus reached out and grabbed the goblet from Severus before he could do any such thing. Giving the man a murderous glare, he downed the vile liquid and handed the still-smoking goblet back. He still worked to swallow, knowing enough to not chase it down with tea nor to ask for something that tasted slightly better.

"I... thank you..." Remus finally said, not quite meeting Severus' eyes.

A small part of Severus was greatly pleased to see Remus working so hard to swallow the potion down. Perhaps he could have worked to have it more palatable, but it appeased his sense of revenge that it wasn't.

"It is preferable that your collection of miscreants not be subject to a bloodthirsty beast, even if they are idiots." It was as close as he would ever get to saying 'you're welcome.'

"As I told you once before," Remus said, handing the goblet back over to Severus, "I had my contingency plans. I don't stay here, remember," Remus pointed out. "Nor am i anywhere near headquarters. I am not a complete idiot, no matter what you may think of me," He replied.

Remus wiped his hands on his trousers, wanting not to even look at the goblet once more. "Was that all?"

"As I believe I mentioned earlier: idiots. It would only be a matter of time before they needed to find you and ended up with more than they bargained for," Severus replied, dryly.

"And yes, that is all, unless you wish to bore me with tales of what you're doing now."

Remus rolled his eyes skyward, plopping himself down on a nearby chair. His body flowed into the piece of furniture, not bothering to sit properly. Severus could sit or he could stay, Remus really didn't give a damn either way. He ignored the slight tugging that said the other man should stay.

"Right. Because everyone in the Order is completely unaware of what a lunar calendar is and how it affects me. May I also reiterate that I don't stay in my flat but go elsewhere? Even if someone wanted to find me they couldn't.

"And I'm not regaling you with stories unless you count the discussion of why the Order is still safe from me even without the Wolfsbane."

Severus refrained from gazing at Remus languidly pooled into that chair. He hated that chair.

"The best laid plans of mice and men... Or they might think that you are actually on your Wolfsbane. Convenient that you haven't told them," Severus said quietly.

"It's also assuming that someone from the other side won't find out and decide to use you as a weapon against the Order." It's what he would have done, if he was going to do such a thing, and ignored the slight twinge the thought caused.

Remus let his arm rest casually on his knee, gazing at Severus from behind his fringe. He inclined his head slightly, as if acknowledging Severus' statement. "They haven't asked and I haven't offered the information either." He drew in a breath and raised his head meeting Severus' eyes. "Is that my warning that you'll be warning the other Death Eaters?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow. "Next month there will be no Wolfsbane and then suddenly Fenrir and company will be there to capture me?" Sighing softly, Remus ran a hand through his hair, tussling it slightly.

Severus ground his teeth so hard that he feared they might crack while his nails dug painfully into his palms. Better that than reaching out to muss Remus' hair further. "Do you really think that if I was going to hand you to them on a platter, it would be Fenrir that got the first bite, as it were?"

Remus clearly noticed the look on Severus' face. Interpreting that when the man became flustered he didn't school his features. Remus wondered what had him so agitated. "If not him, then who?" Remus asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Or is it Bellatrix who will get the first crack? If you're going to turn me over at least let me know who is coming for me."

"Isn't that obvious?" He hissed. "Why would I hand you over to them when I should get the first sampling. I have far more of a reason to want it than they do." And the idea of handing Lupin over to them curdled some small part of his stomach that still had a conscience.

Remus felt his stomach contract and roll uncomfortably. If Severus asked, Remus figured he could use the Wolfsbane as an excuse. Still, it felt like Remus had been punched in the gut to think it would be Severus. "So you can save me and betray me all in the same breath?" Remus asked softly before he could stop himself. "I had thought better of you," he finished, his voice barely above a whisper.

It was an odd feeling to be gloating and dreadful all at once and Severus dearly wanted to never feel the same way again. "If I was going to betray you, I would hardly go through all the work of brewing anything for you first." His fingernails eased out of his skin and he settled back on his heels. "And don't think better of me. I am not your hero."

Remus was back to sliding his hand through his hair so at least his hands had something to do. With one leg hooked over an arm of a chair, Remus wasn't about to get up and serve tea unless it was requested. He was too annoyed at Severus right now to stand on simple niceties. "Well I'm glad I have at least a month's reprieve. Of course, you could so easily poison me. Just a slip of silver and I'd be a goner."

"Yes, I could," he admitted. There were even times when he might have seriously considered it.

Part of him longed for those times again.

"Though I do believe that I gave you my word that if I betrayed you, you would see it coming."

Remus inclined his head as if thanking Severus for at least being honest. How many could say they knew a man who could look you in the eye and confess that they could poison you? Not many that Remus knew. And frankly, having one was more than enough in his estimation.

"I'm trying to figure out if this conversation is my warning."

Severus stared at him, before the corner of his mouth quirked up into something that could only be a smirk.

"When have you ever known me to warn anyone?"

Remus let his hand fall into his lap, staring at Severus with his mouth agape. "Shall I start calling you a hypocrite then?" Remus asked, lifting an eyebrow. "I thought you said I would know when it was coming. When your betrayal of me was complete."

Severus rolled his eyes. "This isn't a warning." It's not even a threat. And wizard alive that rankled. "I promised you that if I were to ever betray you, I would be looking you in the face."

There was something in the way that Severus spoke that sent a shiver all the way down Remus' spine. "You're looking me in the face now --" Remus said, his breath hitching slightly.

"And I just served you Wolfsbane. Wouldn't it be just as effective to slip some silver in, as you so helpfully supplied?" Severus asked quietly. "Easy, quick, I don't even have to dirty my hands or use my wand."

"And should the lights be dimming?" Remus asked softly, shifting in the chair. He let himself curl up, chin resting on his knee as he stared at Severus. "I wouldn't have tasted it, though I should hope that the silver will kill me quickly rather than become something lingering."

Severus silently appraised him for a moment before he realised what Lupin was doing. "This is folly," he whispered. "And if the lights are dimming, it is only because the power has been shut off."

Remus' stomach flipped over and backwards and turned in on itself. Even after their very botched last meeting -- here it was brought up again. Was it really folly? Remus looked at the man sitting opposite him. A spy. A Death Eater. An Order member. A man no one really knew his true allegiance. Was it folly to do... anything with him?

"It cannot be folly," Remus whispered, his chin resting on his knee. "Insanity, perhaps -- but surely not folly."

"The enemy is within the gates; it is our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend," Severus said by way of answer, quoting Marcus Tullius Cicero. It was folly and luxury and beyond all of that, Lupin had apologised directly afterwards.

And of course Severus would answer by speaking in riddles. Remus Shook his head with a sigh, finally looking away from the other man. "So... what do you see this as?" Remus asked softly. "Is it truly folly or is it a luxury?"

"I'm not sure if I should hex you for the sheer gall it takes to ask me that or for apologising the last time," Severus finally snarled. Folly to believe that anything would ever change between them and luxury for hoping that it might be so-- not that he was going to explain that to Remus.

Remus spread his arms wide, picking his head up as he stared at Severus. "Fine, then hex me. You keep saying that you should hex me for this thing or that thing, yet you haven't followed through on that threat. I've done nothing to even warrant a hexing." He drew in a breath, not about to explain why he had apologised for the kiss last time either.

Before Remus could withdraw the offer, Severus had his wand out and pointed directly at the other man, curses and hexes on the tip of his tongue but refusing to come out, even as his wand dripped red sparks. One finally did come though, with a vicious snarl. "I fucking despise you!" Turning on his heel so fast that the sole creaked, he threw Floo powder into the fireplace and without thinking, shouted, "Spinner's End!" and vanished into green flame.

Though he was still sitting, Remus felt as if he were rooted to the spot unable to move. Once upon a time, Severus had taken him up on that offer. He still remembered the pain of being cursed, the way Severus had done it without showing any shard of remorse. When Remus had looked Severus in the eye, he had seen the intent there; the desire, but there had been no accompanying pain. Instead, Severus had left, leaving Remus alone with his thoughts.

Part of him almost wanted to follow, yet he remained seated. Remus drew in a breath, closing his eyes. It was then that he realised just how hard his heart was pounding. Well -- there would be another meeting next month to be certain. Remus, though, had a feeling that he wouldn't have to wait until a few days before the moon before Severus Snape came knocking on his door once more.
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