Nov 21, 2006 12:56
So I haven't really really updated in a long time but I just read some of my friends' entries and I feel like perhaps I should...
I'm feeling pretty good today, considering my throat and nose and such. I always get sick this time of year, it is A-OK because it means it's just about winter : )
I've been having a good time talking and hanging out with Reid a lot lately. Of course there are the haters who don't understand, as usual when a girl and a guy are *gasp* just friends. Well we aren't just friends, we are best friends and my mother finds it necessary to remind me that I have had many a best friend in the last year or so..but you know what...that's my perogative, is it not? And this one will stay put for awhile because I believe we are soulmates.
Or something.
Anyhoo it was a great time this weekend when he came to visit me at Elon and we hung out with my stoner friends and some very drunk amusing girls. There were swingsets and guitar playing and movie seeing and walking walking walking and swan-gazing and more walking and more guitar playing and disc golf playing and laughing and train-watching and laughing and smiling...and walking.
I'm pretty okay. I was pretty VERY NOT okay for a little while, for about a week I guess, but I'm back to sort of pretty okay again. Silly craziness..all I know is school is okay and Reid never fails to make me smile, and I'm about to go home in a few hours for Thanksgiving and lots of Lowes working which is really sort of okay and Thanksgiving and warm couches and movies and foooood and Anya and mom and dad and bike-riding and Thanksgiviiiiing : ) And I'm looking forward to Christmas break too which is really not that far away because we're going to Connecticut on the 23rd so we'll be there overChristmas which I love because there will be ITALIAN SEAFOOD CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER WONDERFULNESS and then on the 26th we are going to NEW HAMPSHIRE-BLACK BEAR LODGE OHMYGODMEMORIES!! and snowboarding!! Sigh. Holiday time : )
And this year you would think I would be depressed but I am not as depressed as I was last year because last year bad things happened way closer to the in yeah. I'm trying really hard and I'm really getting better I think...eeeek crossing my fingers...
Oh my sore throat should go away. It makes me happy that I just drank something called Antioxidance. Wow I've been htmlboldanditalics crazy today. Class in an hour...then home!! : ) I mean I was home on Sunday...then we went to the Panthers game..which was cool by the way...but I dunno now I'm really going home, for a few days. So yay. I hope.