Dec 08, 2003 22:57
i'm getting sick i can tell =\ poo. today was okay. in art class i was so cold &dan kept me warm<3 it was nice because it was only him, josh, travis &i at our table. it wasn't loud, or too quiet... it was just right. i'm confused about my situation. something is telling me to go out with dan. but then something is telling me not to. i told myself no relationships for a long while, &look at me... taking this into consideration. &it's so funny, because like when me &dan kiss during art or something, &josh sees it, he's all like "you guys should definitly just go out already." he says it all the time. me &dan just laugh. &today dan said, "i know by the end of the year we'll be going out, or have gone out." i don't know what to do. i really do want a relationship, kinda. nothing serious whatsoever. just something nice. something secure. someone to buy me CDs, &write me long letters. &someone who will wait for me. SO bad! my eye was definitly red for like an hour =\ poo. it was funny though. in my first 3 classes we had like free period type things, &in my last 2 classes i had to write essays. but it's okay, i like essays. on the way home from school, mom tells me that some cable guy came out &turned off our hotbox =\ no more free cable, which means NO PORN!@*^$@# omfg. omfg. *spazzes*