She, she screams in silence.

Aug 01, 2005 00:31

Well I got home from camping today and let me tell you what, it surely was an adventure. We went to Ludington and for those of you who have been there you know that it is a pretty rockin' place. There wasn't a single open site that I could see. We got up there a little after dinner time on Friday and we had steak and potatoes and vegetables and I think I had some sort of strawberry cheesecake that wasn't exactly cheesecake dish thing. I don't know. It was delicious for sure though. Then pretty much for the most part we just played cards until about 11 or so then me and Breana and Lynnsay and Justin and Jessica and Heidi and Kristi went out to Lake Michigan. Let me tell you what, I think that may have been thee coldest water I have ever been in in my entire life. But I went under anyways. Then we went back and I took an absolutely wonderful shower, it felt so nice after being in that freezing water, just great. Then we went to bed and got up for brunch, we don't do breakfast and lunch when camping, we go right for the brunch, which I like because that usually means that I have slept in a little longer. Then I believe we played more cards... During which we tried to mohawk my hair but I am told that it turned into more of a 50's greasers look. Then we went out on the boat with Heidi, Jessica, Lynnsay, Justin, my dad, and Breana. That was pretty fun. We all went tubing and my dad and cousin went skiing. I got buried in sand when we stopped at some dunes to just kinda chill. I got rather burnt out there that day, I have some nice lines from it. When we got back I think we played more cards, we did ALOT of that. Ate dinner, which the main dish was deep fryed turkey and let me tell you, oh it is SO good!! Then we packed up some stuff and Jess, Lynnsay, Justin, Breana, and I went out to the beach to watch the sunset and the stars. That was quiet a bit of fun I tell you what! Learned some stuff about some people that was very interesting, some things I didn't exactly want to know but... what are you going to do. Then we just layed there and Breana fell asleep because that is just how damn cute that girl is. I enjoyed laying out there with her both nights under the stars, something that should be done more often I think. Then went back and played more cards before heading to bed. Woke up, packed up and headed home. Got back home hung out breifly and took Bre home. Went to work to get my schedule and the new guy is taking all my damn hours! Good thing I have Schwab to save me from my financial troubles. Went home and then went back to Bre's and went swimming and ate and layed on the trampoline. Then I came home and Carrie came over and we just sat and talked for an hour or so and she had to leave so I just kinda sat about for about .5 seconds until I was told to go to Tyler Meisel's house. Went there and watched Amanda Mickey get beat by Bowser in Mario 3 about 7 times until she finally beat it. Then we went to Midland and went to Pizza Sam's hung out a bit and went to the Tridge. After that we all went back to Breana's house and hung out for a bit until it was time to come home. Then I came here and started to type this. Tommorow I am working 10 - 4 and then going over to Bre's for a BBQ, you are invited! Around 6 you should head on over there with a dish to pass and a swimsuit. But for now, I'm done.
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