Summary: After the Slushie-Attack, Kurt brings Blaine - high on pain-killers- home. Basically this is Blaine rambling in his drug-induced stupor.
Pairing: Klaine
Word Count: 405
Spoilers: Season 3, Episode 11 'Michael'
A/N:Title from the Song 'To make you feel my love'
„Hey Kurt, hey. I love you“
„I know hon, love you too.“, answered Kurt, a little distracted as he turned into the driveway of the Anderson house.
„No, no, no. I mean, I loooove you Kurt. Love you, love you, love you.“
Kurt parked, then turned to his boyfriend, a little loopy due to the painkillers he got at the hospital, and took his hands. „I Love you too, Blaine.“, he said, looking deep into Blaines... well eye. The other one was under a white gauze and Kurt made a mental note to see if he could find an more or less stylish eyepatch. „Now come on, in we go!“
„No, you don't get it Kurt.“, Blaine answered with a smile after they made it successfully from the car to Blaines room (and Kurt had a little deja-vu to the night he and Finn had to get a drunk Blaine into Kurts room). Kurt hauled Blaine up on his bed, having successfully removed his shoes, and sat beside him.
„I mean, I love you. So, so much. Like, I would die for you Kurt. That's how much I love you. Hehe, I would catch a granade for youuuu“, Blaine sang loopily.
„I think it's time for sleep now, honey.“, Kurt smiled softly, making him lay down.
Blaine rambled on, eyes half closed. „I just... I would die for you Kurt. I would give you my heart. You know why? Because... cause you're my heart Kurt!, You are. That's what I had told Sebastian the first time we drank coffee together, ya know? He asked, why I left Dalton for McKinley and I told him it's because my heart is there. That's you Kurt! My heart is at McKinley, even though I miss Dalton and the Warblers were like a family to me...“ Blaine frowned. „But not- not those Warblers now. They are mean. …. Why...why are they so mean now Kurt? I thought, they were my friends.“, Blaine said meekly, eyes now fully closed.
Kurt gulped and smoothed Blaines unruly hair, now completely free of slushie, down. Blaine's right, The Warblers were his friends and he must miss them every day- the same way, Kurt had missed New Directions during his time at Dalton.
„When did they get so mean, Kurt?“, Blaine mumbled while falling asleep, and Kurts heart broke a little.