Sasquatch Music Festival

May 30, 2006 21:19

This was what was *behind* the stage. Nice.

So here's a bunch of pictures from the Sasquatch Music Festival that took place over Memorial Day weekend.

I'm going to be balsy enough not to even put this behind a cut because I'm that damn special... That and I've opted to go with a slightly different style for this particular magical mystery lj picture tour. I'm only using thumbnails (albeit good sized ones) so the huge-ass pic will only load if you click on it.

As an establishing shot, The campground (notice ominous clouds in background). Those weird and rather scary minstrel looking people on stilts at the entrance really might have eaten my face if I had let them.

You can definately tell that the singer of Neko Case could tell bad weather was coming, but she may not have been expecting extremely hard hail. Of course the next shot of the band more accurately shows the incoming onslaught.

The hail was so thick and came for so long that in places it looked like it had snowed hard. Under those carts are mostly media people doing their best.

The Shins' lead singer James Mercer; Drummer Jessie Sandoval's silouette.

Ben Harper. He can really play slide guitar but I wasn't too into him. Course that may have not been helped by the fact that he was on immediately before the Flaming Lips.

Ah The Flaming Lips. This show was the usual amazing musical circus. Complete with streamer shotgun, dancing santas and aliens, also the main roadie was dressed as captain america. Front man Wayne Coyne still playing his double guitar while covered in the streamers that he himself shot a hundred feet in the air. He also used a hand puppet of a nun to sing one of his songs, Using a huge projected image from a camera mounted on the microphone. The nun was rather creepey in fact.

He intentionally shot the streamers so they would get very tangled in the lighting set-up. Those that were responsible for cleaning them failed to see the fun.

Now the next day (Sunday). Wasn't as close for the Arctic Monkeys set. They played a great show. Packed quite a crowd for an earlier show ('round 2p I think).

Matisyahu's set was very well received. Half way through he pointed out a rainbow that had formed after the brief rain.

Queens of the Stone Age rocked. Josh Homme has always looked a bit like elvis I suppose.

A good shot of the stage from behind the pit and to the left. Then the sunset shot was during Death Cab for Cutie's set.

Now Beck was interesting, inside his stage set-up was another smaller stage set-up with exact copies of all the players as marionette's. They even had two cameras on them and put that on the big screen behind the real act. The puppeteers mimiced everything they did. It was freaky.

He had a person who was only on the stage to dance, flailing around wildly. If you know Beck's song 'Black Tambourine' then you can prolly imagine the psyco-ness of his dancing. The last picture was a shot of the video screen from fairly close to it, I just like how it looks.

The Flaming Lips and Beck have some sort of rivaly going on, they headlined on Saturday and Sunday respectively. I have to say the the 'Lips show was way better, They played a full set until 1:45am because of the rain/hail delay. Beck went on late and finished 25 minutes early. That comarison shows you who has a better charisma about them.

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