Civil War: "Holy War, deliver me, rest my fear, I can not see."

Jan 13, 2008 14:22

Their team had been in the underground facility for a while now, and everyone was tense, pacing. The Young Avengers were invited in on some of the meetings, but many just turned into shouting matches between the adult heroes. Unsure of what to do or what actions to take. Especially now Iron Man was a figurehead for the Pro-Registration Avengers, while Captain America lead the Secret Avengers underground. Hiding in shadows with fake identities. But their own group had been ordered to stay put, Cap telling them that they were his soldiers, and they would be needed soon enough.

It didn't stop the team from sneaking out to steal a jet out to California to assist a group of runaways. Many with powers. After some miscommunication, disagreements, and then squaring off against Noh-Varr, and a SHIELD secret lab to rescue their friends, there was a sort of truce between the groups. Still didn't mean they didn't get holy hell from Cap, Luke, and others when they returned to the facility. Berating them all for risking their location, and risking getting arrested. Even when Kate and Eli went on about how they were in the right to still help others, Cap just buffeted their responses away.


Back to lockdown again for some days after that...only to get a distress call. A major one, a petrochemical plant on fire, and everybody was scrambled out of the facility to assist with rescue efforts. All forces were transported via Cloak and Wiccan. Definitely not the best way to travel by far, but there was little time to react before they were all there.

And then Cable yelled, "Get the hell out of here, boys! It's a trap!" Suddenly Cloak and Wiccan were knocked out with tranquilizers darts while Iron Man's team was now approaching them.

A final claim of amnesty...rejected. And then the battle began in earnest. Everybody was reacting, Hawkeye was firing arrows as quickly as she could get a bead on someone. Patriot nearby fighting Spiderman, while The Thing was punching Hulkling. It was getting harder to keep track what was going on. Iron Man was barreling into Captain America.

Suddenly there was loud crackle of lightning as the heavens themselves seem to split in two.
She could hear Patriot saying, "What the hell...?" as they looked upward, and then screamed as lightning struck the very earth they stood on. Sending them all in the air. She could barely roll to the side to stand up as everyone stared at the seeming sight of Thor back from the dead.

Thor, who was trying to kill them all.

Reed Richards put him into standby after Iron Man activated a sound frequency that shrieked into everyone's skulls. Her ears were still ringing a little after an explosion knocked Iron Man to the side.

"Somebody switched it off!" Whether she meant the frequency or the fake Thor, or both, it didn't matter now.

"So what are you waiting for?" Daredevil berated Hawkeye who nodded and stood up to fight back again, arrows aimed at the ready once more.

Then Goliath grew to take on Thor...only to take a lightning attack through his stomach, killing the giant hero in an instance.

She was staring up in terror as the seeming thunder god declared, "
You are all going down." And there was no time but to brace for impact, and pray for a miracle.

That miracle came in the form of Sue Storm creating a forcefield around them all, and ordering them all to "Get out of here. NOW!" They then tried to grab as many as the wounded and injured as they could, and used Cloak to teleport back to the facility.

runaways, kate, civil war, young avengers, milliways

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