Teach your children well...

Oct 25, 2008 14:40

Because Billy was with her as invisible backup, it didn't take long for the news to pass through the team ranks. (Most of them anyway), and get right back to the person she really didn't want to find out.

So Eli chewed her out in front of everybody, and she nearly tore his head off in return before storming off for some stress relief in the practice room of the clubhouse.

Like that, basically.

Tommy caught up with her, well, being a speedster, this wasn't very hard. But she told him a little, and he suggested going some place. She surprised herself a little by saying it was a date. But she was angry, and hurt. She wanted to hurt back. Eli for chewing her out and getting her back for embarrassing him. And maybe Will a little for getting her hopes up about that someday.

Either way, she figured going out with Tommy for red bull mojito spritzers in a dodgy bar sounded like a good idea. He then insisted on asking again what happened, and she never was very good at hiding the truth. Because she never really wanted to. So they stepped outside, and she told him the whole story.

Next thing she knew he was suggesting they steal it back. She was shocked, but interested. Because dammit, it was her bow now, her name. Hasn't she earned it by now? Still, she wasn't sure. The Avengers would be out on patrols so they wouldn't be there. Could just sneak in.

And something about how Tommy said it, and the way he held her in his arms as they zipped along into the elevator... And that kiss.

She's clearly always had a weakness for thieves.
It didn't mean she was letting him sneak a kiss a second time.

She was briefly distracted with the picture of the Avengers. The original ones, and they all looked about their age. Young and eager to fight, not knowing what's to come, and how things would end up long years later.

It still didn't stop her from being happy to get her bow back, even when they heard Luke and Clint returning to the room. Tommy could get away easily, and so could she. But she couldn't help lingering to listen as Clint argued... Arguing and vouching for them. Saying how good they are, and they just need a little guidance.
"The world absolutely needs those kids in it."
Even adding that they had the right kind of fight for it.
She couldn't help smiling as she hugged her bow tightly, and snuck off finally back to the clubhouse.

Where Clint found her a little later much to her shock. And to her further shock, he didn't ask again for the bow. It was hers because she fought for it, and he even gave her a gift. The picture. The same one that she had stared at a few hours before. He then talked about tradition and family, and they were. They were young, but definitely getting there.

And she teared up a little as he added how people didn't believe in him, doubted and despised at times too. All of those things she had said to Brand months ago... and she wasn't the only one.

And now it was their turn to be the ones needed. Avengers.

She hugged the picture tightly, and then placed it carefully up on the wall.

Her "Thanks, Hawkeye," might have been to an empty room, but it was ok. She... they were doing the right thing with this.

She then turned to head out of the practice room, the door opening wide...

clint, eli, kate, tommy, young avengers

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