(no subject)

Oct 19, 2008 00:22

Her father didn't install the cameras. Not yet. Emergency trip came out about problems at the firm in Sydney so he had to fly out the next day for another few weeks. Fine by her. Meant she could go help her teammates with robot bank robbers. Teddy had gone off to speak with Captain Marvel, his bio father, she wondered how it went. Then there was the trip Billy and Tommy were doing to track down their mom, maybe they'll find some answers. In the meantime, there were nights at the clubhouse. Studying and patrolling, and classes during the day. The time passed along quickly that when it got to around October 27th, Kate was surprised.

After school, she rushed home as fast she could, and gather her belongings together.

And then went to open the door to the bar.

........15 minutes later, she was frantically digging out Will's Trump card from her purse, and concentrating. But all she got for her efforts was a headache and a nosebleed. Some kind of interference?

She flopped onto her bed worriedly.

She'll try again tomorrow. It'll still be fine. She can still make it.

But then October 28th came and went with still no door.
And the days continued to pass, and the time felt longer and longer with still no sign of the bar.
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