I should be doing some retarded chemistry homework right now but I'd rather screw around even though I've got school tomorrow... whatever. I had a totally kickass cross country run today. I was going zippy-fast-speedy-quick (sorry how gay that sounded) and I kept up with Brian w00t (sorta). Cross Country is awesome cuz I'd feel comftorable talking for extended periods with ANYONE on the team... thats how cool everyone is.
I just discovered FlashPlayer.com today when I was supposed to be doing homework and it is SO FUNNY. Especially the water one...
http://www.flashplayer.com/animation/glassofwater.html i think. Man, that is good stuff. ummm... this is my first entry and I'm wondering if I should put more personal stuff in here (probably the biggest reason I'm so optimistic/happy right now. Its probably cuz of my huge ***** on ***** and a little bit because I've got so much awesome music.
By the way, I recently discovered Radiohead from my Dad (man he has a godly taste in music). They kinda sound like Coldplay except with more variety and EVERY song has its own unique catchy tune. Actually, its too mellow to be called catchy, but whatever. Please IM me... I'll share the wealth with anyone who asks. Its always good to share great music.
ALL TIME FAVORITE QUOTE: Procrastinate Later (sniff.. its so beatifully true)
I think I'm gonna tackle the chem hw now.