Ok so i just got back in from going out to dinner with Chrissy,Aubrey,Laura M, and Trina, it was soo much fun, we went to Applebees and our waiters name was Bo.. short for Bodan! it was cool we pretended it was chrissys birthday so we had them sing to her, it was just a fun nite out lol i love my friends. well of course i took pictures soo here let me show u them... OH and the fire alarm went off in Applebees.. thats 2 things that happend weird today 1. lost power in school ( got sent home early) 2. Sitting in applebees and the fire alarm goes off.. thats hott..
Chrissy and Laura.. see i told we pretented it was Chrissys Birthday! lol Happy Birthday Chrissy! haha
Trina, Aubrey, And me Eatin our Blondies! lol yumm! ( NOTE: notice how long my hair is.. it wont be tommorw) and dont mind my uglieness, i ruin the picture lol.
Aubrey, enjoying her blondie! lol
lol Murph..
ummm Trina..
Lauras dessert? i think..
Chrissy thought the pan.. ( the black thing with a red handle) looked like a giant spoon..
hahah they liked to take random pictures of Trina..
some food, and aubrey.. eating lol words of aubrey " stop taking pictures of me eating, there gonna think thats all i do" lol cuz in every picture shes eating lol
Chrissy... Laura..
I SEE YOU!!! ahah
I GOT MY EYE ON YOU! lol Chrissy's watching you... i think she looks like that girl from the grudge!!
Trina lol
Laura... Counting the Money " i feel like a pimp" haha
lol GOD IS THAT YOU!! haha Laura,Aubrey,Chrissy, Trina..and the glare thing on the window... chrissy said it looked like god..
No Glare.. Trina,Laura,Chrissy, Aubrey
Now it was my turn to get in the picture and the guy opended the door on me! stupid fuck! lol
Trina and me playing hand games..
BOO! trina
Aubrey was skipping then we took the picture and she stopped.
Laura was REALLY thirsty lol!
that was my nite, i had fun.. we hafta to do it again
well im out im tired