A new me

Jan 27, 2009 14:22

So, my life up here in DC has been pretty great, and although it's probably not the place i'd want to spend my enitre life in, I can't complain. Here are some updates on my life.

-I've been dating Natalie for about 6 months now, and she's unbelievable.  I could spend an eternity writing about her and how great she is, but I will keep this post short (since it will probably end up being long anyway).  Either way, she is the most amazing thing in my life right now and I hope it stays that way for a long time to come.

-My job is alright.  It's really enhanced all of the negative features of my personality, and made me realize that some will just have to change. For instance, my neglect to use the phone (for the most part).  It's no secret that I don't like using the phone, but it's a phobia that i'm slowly, and needingly getting over.  I'm also lazy, and I don't like to ask questions.  These are two very important detrements to any type of work, and so these will need to change as well.

-I can play rockband on expert now.  I never thought i'd be able to shred like Brett B-ze, but now I see the light (although i'm still nowhere near as good as Brett is)

-I'm starting to read, and I like it, it's extremely enjoyable.  Jon got me off to a good start by recommending "Gang Leader for a Day", in which a sociologist essentially lives in the projects of Chicago for 10 years.  Although it's not academically valid, it brings greater insight into the world of poverty and despair than any statistical journal I've ever read.

-I can't write anymore, I just can't do it.  I've tried and tired, but i'm not satisfied (that could be a lyric I suppose).  I was good at writing because I was creative, but also because I was bitter.  Now I just prefer to talk or debate about social politics than write music, but maybe I can find a way to harness that creativity again to write happier things, pop tunes, or rap beats.  Who knows.

-Once a steady income surplus is coming in, i've decided that i'm going to take guitar lessons again and start playing music once more.  Hopefully getting the feel for an insturment for another time will get me back in the mood to write.

-I also want to take some form of marital arts.  It's silly reasoning, but I really just want to know how to inflict harm on another person if I have to...the idea is really empowering.  I'm not saying i'm going on the offensive and bashing branies, but it's not like i'm going to be on the defensive either.  If someone is acting routhlessly unreasonbale at, let's say a bar or the train, I want to be able to do something about it.  I want to have confidence in my skills to step up and put down someone acting violently or out of control.  I want to be able to take on a gang of thugs at once if I have to...ok, now i'm going off track, but the idea remains the same - I want to be able to kick ass, regardless of where it is.

-Sometimes i'm amazed that I work literally a block and a half from the White House.  I can go on my lunch break and eat in front of it, which I do in warmer weather.  It's also crazy to think that i'm living on my "own".

More to come, back to work.

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