Sep 13, 2005 16:33
soo i am still vunerble. and i'm trying to not feleing guilty for it. what a sily idea that i feel horrible that my lover treated me like shit and i am still trying to deal with it and i am not ready or willing to be in a monagamous relationship. i am just nervous this person will invest too much emotional energy into me and i wont be ready or willing to be in a monog relationship. i need to figure my shit out. for real. and i cant pretend i am alright. i cant pretend that its tough for me to be in sexual relationships with males. that i want to be with women as well.
how does one forgive?
when does sex start to feel like a good healthy sharing experience?
when you are lied too after giving so much and feeling a complete loss and disapointment and unwilling towards when does it all get better??
advice is much appreciated.
and this boy promises he wont leave me. and he is willing to listen and help me work stuff out. hopefully not for his benefit but for mine. totally mine. and i gotta remember that.
i really think my sexual assault has been creeping up on me and i need to face it. once and for all.