Oct 29, 2006 20:18
all this week i have been sitting on mikes bed while he sits in a chair next to me, editing the new episode. and the new episode is finally finished. 30 hours roughly of editing. mmbasigly back to back days of filming. we did it all in one week. (applaud). its fucking hard guys.
so lets all know that on halloween night at 1am, the best episode we will ever do, will air. its light years better than the first one, as far as writing and it bing a "show". we wrote the whole thing, where last time we just kinda put shit together and made it work. so youll be impressed. those who have seen it have all said it to be so. were pretty good at this tv thang when we really try. so watch it! and be the judge. tell us what you liked and hated and what scared you. and its not just humor we actully will try to scare you so please turn off the lights and pay attention.
metalpocoloops, and tv and mary tonight.
dont forget about the show. 1 am. ch. 20. halloween night.
id write somethig else but honestly i ahve been eating and breathing this show. its all i ahve to offer you as far as material. oh, i saw SAW 3. really really gross. not scary. but like ultimate like wanna throw up movie. not a pee your pants movie.
8~ .......lil dick n balls right?