Feb 13, 2006 14:25
Uurgh, am ill again. The Cough of Death was just the beginning...now I also have aches 'n' shakes, copious amounts of snot and the distinct feeling that said snot is the unfortunate by-product of a slow and painful leak in my brain. Sorry for that charming image there.
Really, really shouldn't have gone out last night. I've probably now infected everyone else who was there, or at least those few hardy souls who hadn't already succumbed to the wretched lurgy. I could tell I probably had a temperature almost as soon as I'd left the blissfully overheated paradise of my room, but by the time I'd swayed up to the blissfully overheated paradise of the pub and chomped down some Panadol it didn't seem worth trekking back. In my defence I didn't stay up all night this time, but had a merry few hours in Rami's room after the pub kicked us out talking about anti-depressants and psychotic episodes, among other things. I left at around the time everyone else was debating crashing on the floor 'in a big pile of sleep', but apparently they then played volleyball with a lettuce, so I feel cheated.
I'm now giving myself a blanket ban on a) all forms of alcohol, b) all forms of non intellectually stimulating and/or Classics related fun and c) all activities apart from sleep between the hours of midnight and 8am. We'll see how long this lasts.
And I'm actually trying to work in my room (tempting though it is to go to the LRR and maliciously spread my germs throughout all the other Classicists in an effort to take out the competition) but since my thought processes currently seem to be working along the lines of 'Is this Latin? Nope, it's got funny letters, must be that other one...mmm, nice comfy book', I think I might as well give up and have a nap.