Lala TV time....

Nov 08, 2007 14:51

OMG WTF Kensei?? He's immortal?? Also, Hiro/Yaeko is the cutest thing ever. Awww.

I'm starting to think this six-person team + Foreman thing is actually the new status quo we'll be seeing for at least the rest of the season, rather than some kind of interim state until they shave it down to a smaller team. I can't see why else they'd bring in Hot CIA Doctor just as Travis (it's not a good thing I had to look up his name, is it?) was fired. I mean, yeah, she's obviously going to be this season's Obligatory Non-Wilson Love/Lust Interest, but if they were actually trying to make the team smaller they could've just made that be Amber or "Thirteen".

Also - I seriously LOL'd at seeing that House's actually got Amber in his phone as "Cutthroat Bitch". ^_^
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