username & stardust

Jul 01, 2007 00:46

Soooo, I've made a decision at long and waaaaaaaaaaaaay over-thought last. I'm changing my username to notfromvenus. I think LJ will automatically change everything over everywhere. I think.

In other news, OMG they're making a movie of (Neil Gaiman's) Stardust! I mean, not some little indie production, but a big-budget Hollywood movie. It has Robert DeNiro and Ian McKellan in it, for god's sake. It's out on August 10th, so mark your calendars. Let's hope it's remotely as good as the book.

The garden's going fabulous. A bit weedy (not like that, haha), and the rabbits-under-the-shed ate all my peas and beans and cosmos (kind of flower), but I've got tomatos and peppers and lettuce and marigolds and even a little wee eggplant. It's my pride and joy right now.

And lastly, because I'm a COMPLETE LOSER, I'm making a little model TARDIS out of a box and some foam. (For the non-Doctor Who fans out there, the TARDIS is the time/space ship they travel around in on the show.) ^_^;;;;
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