(no subject)

May 05, 2006 04:04

So I've been playing Shadow Hearts (an RPG from a few years back, a fantasy/horror story that takes place during WWI), and it's pretty frickin cool. For example, this scene (paraphrased):

[Russian spy lady in a really short skirt sets off bomb, and your character (Yuri) gets knocked to the ground. She jumps off the roof and lands pretty much on top of Yuri.]

Yuri: Hey lady, you realize I can see your, uh....
Spy: I'm glad you guys are alive, I didn't want anyone to get killed by my bomb. And I hope you got a good look - consider it my apology!

And there's a gay acupuncturist that hits on you all the time ("I can't fight, but you'll love how I can assist!" ::snerk::).

Though the goblin village so covered in gore that when you walked it made squishing sounds was, um, pretty gross.
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