Today my dad and I took the train to New Brunswick with our bikes and rode back to Ewing - 44.83 miles. A
canal path connects the Delaware River, near here, to the Raritan River, in New Brunwick. We began at Landing Lane Bridge and ended a bit after where Route 95 crosses the Delaware River. I wondered if it was a practical way to get from my college to my house. And if you consider a five-hour bike ride "practical," then it is. I'm not sure whether I do.
The path is nice around the Raritan river; both the canal and the river are very close. It's like a wide tightrope.
It was generally easy to follow, even the part of it that took the form of a footbridge spanning Route 1. The canal goes underground in Trenton, and you kind of have to ride around the city trying to find where it resumes. Luckily my dad knows his way around that area better than I do.
Regarding physical effects, my legs don't hurt...yet. The endeavor drains you of energy, but I'm not sure riding 45 miles is even as strenuous as running three. I did feel kind of nauseous near the end, though. Also, I was riding a bike I got when I was 11. I've raised the seat to make up for the fact I've grown a bit in the last eight years; that makes the bike rideable, but it has me leaning pretty severly on handlebars, so I lost a lot of feeling in my ring and pinky fingers. It's beginning to return, but my pinkies are still numb.
The drive from New Brunswick is about 30 miles: A lot less than biking via the canal path. But did we pollute the Earth? No.
Now about an issue we've been hearing about a lot in the news lately: Someone made a marshmallow happy face on my windshield, put Hershey's kisses and a grahm cracker where the windsheild meets the hood, and posted a note on the side-view mirror reading, "Want s'more?"
Who did it?
It had to be someone who knows I love puns.